June Special Discount

10% OFF on Accessories, Clothing & Traditional Arts

The return of summer weather is coming fast here in Japan and with it, the rainy season! Hot and humid, this is probably the most unpleasant month in Japan for Budo training, but it never stopped anyone from slapping the mats or hitting the floors at the Dojo!

Last month's discount on all Iaito has been really well received and we would like to thank you again for all your support. If the situation regarding the pandemic is getting better in many countries, Japan is still behind the trend and the support of the international community is extremely appreciated here!

Although the situation are getting better, summer and the well-deserved holiday period is coming soon. This is why, for this June offer, we are not focusing on Budo equipment but on an offer on our accessory collections. Take the time to adapt to the new normal, enjoy this summer, and be ready to get back to the Dojo 200% very soon! 
We're now offering a 10% discount on Accessories, Clothing & Traditional Arts. If you need a new bag for summer, a towel for the hot days, some lightweight clothes (that you can pair with a nice pair of Setta), or if you want to treat yourself with some goodies, we're sure this discount will please you!

Alongside these products, the discount will also be applied to our collection of traditional arts. We have many Kakejiku (calligraphy) related to martial arts that you can order if you want to decorate the Kamiza of your Dojo (and you can also order a customized version with the Japanese characters you like). And last but not least, we also propose Fuh-mi artworks, a beautiful lineup of calligraphies for all art collectors.

This offer will end on June 30th, 3 pm JPT.

May report

May has been a busy month backstage and some side projects of Seido's universe are taking shape. And of course, we kept working on different projects:

  • After several months of being sold out, we are thrilled to announce that we have restocked one of our best sellers and flagship product praised by our customers and our staff as well: the Superior Kotobuki Bokken! Head over to the shop to order yours!
  • On the YouTube side, we had the chance to meet with Miyauchi Hajime & Suzuki Yukiko for an exclusive interview about the Ono Ha Itto Ryu school. Discover it now on our YouTube channel (English subtitles available)
  • For our "Budo, a way of life" series, we had the pleasure to welcome Rionne McAvoy. Born in Australia, Rionne is a very prolific practitioner as he is training in Wrestling, Aikido, Kickboxing and Japanese Jujutsu. He has now been living in Japan for over a decade, where he is a pro wrestler and a filmmaker.
  • As you know, we are working on several video projects at the same time, so stay tuned, many contents are coming in the upcoming months!

That's it for this month, enjoy the discounts, and see you soon on SeidoShop.com!






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