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  • 国産木刀製造業の危機 | 木刀や杖などの国産木製武器製造について、ブログ記事を掲載しました。現在、宮崎県都城の国産木製武器製造については、職人減、良質な木材資源の減少、国内外からの受注過多などにより、以前に比べ、安定した木製武器の製造が大変厳しいものになっています。その現状について、詳しくご紹介しています。

Bokken, Shoto, Jo & Tanto Set (Classic & Koryu)

平均点数: 4.9/5 - レビュー数: 287

About Our Wooden Weapons Sets

The wooden weapons proposed by Seido are manufactured by one of the last four traditional workshop in the south of Japan, in the region of Miyakonojo (Kyushu), Horinouchi, Nidome, Matsuzaki and Aramaki (learn more about the workshops on our Artisans Presentation Page). Seido is the only company in the world (including Japan) working with these 4 workshops simultaneously. Our weapons are selected according to the specialties of each workshop, the time of manufacture as well as the pricing. If you have got a preference for a particular workshop, please contact us for quotation.

In this section, we will present a series of Bokken, Jo, and Tanto sets, as well as Koryu sets (Bokken + Shoto or "Daisho sets"). Just like for our individual weapons, these sets are available in different woods such as red and white oak, Isu no Ki, Sunuke, etc. You can refer to the page "How to Choose Your Bokken/Wood" or to our extensive blog article How to Choose your Bokken – Case Studies & Advice to help you make your choice. All Bokken can be engraved directly in our facilities within a few days.

In 2021, with concerns for the workers, all workshops greatly reduced the number of urethane varnished weapons with a natural finish. Seido is now transitioning to a new finish offer for the majority of its weapons, which consist in a either camellia oil treatment (standard finish) or a camellia oil with extra polishing + bee wax finish (Seido special finish). Until all stocks for varnish weapons run out, varnish finish is still offered on some weapons. (edited)

For more information about our partner craftsmen, check out our interviews with Master Aramaki, Master Matsuzaki and Master Nidome on youtube. 

Bokken & Shoto sets (Daisho) are offered with a 1000 YEN discount in comparison to separate purchase.
Bokken, Jo & Tanto sets are offered with a 2000 YEN discount in comparison to separate purchase.
緑の木のアイコンが表示されているすべての製品は当社の森林保全プログラムに該当します。 ご注文を頂くごとに NGO MoreTreesに定額が寄付されます。


  • 普及型木刀・杖・短刀・武器袋4点セット【赤樫・白樫】

    ¥22,100 ~ ¥25,800

    純日本製 (都城産)
    素材: 赤樫・白樫
    : (大刀)平峯 | 平頭 | 小切先
    (杖)8分 (短刀)普及型
    仕上げ: 椿油磨き仕上げ
    在庫有り (2営業日以内発送)

    4.9/5 - レビュー数: 85



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