

現在、工房の職人たちは目の前にある仕事をひたすらに取り組むのが精一杯の日々です。今、木刀製造業界の前に立ちはだかるこれら問題を解決するためのアクションを起こすエネルギーも、策を考える時間さえも、今はとれない繁忙の毎日です。 2019年に都城の工房が3つになってしまった頃から、星道では、この木刀製造業界が直面している問題について、工房の職人、同業者、道場師範や流派代表、武道研究者・・・、武道に関わるたくさんの方々と話し合ってきました。これまで都城産木製武器の恩恵を受けてきた私たちで何かできないのか、という想いで動いてきましたが、努力も虚しく、何一つとしてこの状況を改善することができなかったことに、自分たちの無力さを覚えました。

14 コメント - 国産木刀製造業の危機
This post was definitely a wake up call as a practitioner and human being trying to create a sustainable future.
I can’t help but feel a negative outlook after reading about the workshop closures, and especially about the shortage of wood.
I hope that those workshops can preserve their production methods in books and videos so that their art does not die with them – it doesn’t have to be this way. Future generations can and will take up the mantle, even if production pauses for years.
While being realistic is important, and there is clearly a challenging circumstance facing the Budo weapons industry, I can’t help but wonder if this is not a great opportunity to evolve the art and production to suit the needs of our current world situation. I don’t know what this could look like – maybe the materials of our weapons change, maybe they become more expensive, maybe there are other efforts to restore or refurbish old supplies.
Throughout history humans adapt tradition to fit the needs of the time. Although traditional craftsmanship is well respected for its time tested knowledge, even those practices were adapted and evolved over time.
In conclusion while I don’t know the solution, I hope that together we can inspire eachother to come up with new innovative solutions to carry the practices of aikido and weapons training forward. We must first be good to our planet to be good to ourselves, so let’s see what creative solutions we can come up with, while still holding and carrying forward the torch of traditional art.
I was watching the videos you made about the woodcraft artisans Seido works with, and I was wondering from which workshop do the 6 Shaku Bo comes from? (I just ordered one and I would like to know who will be in charge of making it)
The work you do to support this invaluable artisans and their craft is amazing!
Keep it up!
And so my girlfriend said “What, are you still bothering them? I hope you like what you ordered from them in hot pink”!
Encore, Touchez! Voila, je comprends.
Well, we’re off topic here.
It’s a complete different debate. What is Budo? What is Kobudo? What purpose does it serve?
Not a debate for this blog post anyway!
PS: Spears. The first weapon on the battlefield was the spear. A bit of Naginata, and some other long weapons depending on the era. And of course, matchlocks, lots of matchlocks!
PPS: Come train in Japan! I never trained in a Dojo having heated floors. Some of them have air conditioner, but… most of them don’t. Windows open. ~0°C in winter, 40°C in summer (and until recently, drinking during practice wasn’t allowed, but that changed… too high death counts for the Japanese ministry of education…)
But, I would add,if they did not fight with shinken, what did they fight with? And, in the spirit of Draeger, who trained in armor, how do you train powerfully on a flat, air-conditioned, heated floor? Combat training has ALWAYS required uneven terrain, uncomfortable conditions. Having read both Draeger, and Dave Lowry about Ryu skills training (of all types), leads to more questions, especially those about written documentation.
Ahhhhhh, Touchez!
It is quite unlikely that the Sekigahara battle was fought with Bokken, nor that Bokken were widely used (if at all) for combat at any point in time (except in Jidai Geki movies or in Musashi’s legends and stories)
The sword itself wasn’t widely used in combat either, as Shinken were expensive and fragile weapons.
Now, there are many differences between the old times and today.
There was much fewer concerns for security, which allowed the use of poor quality weapons for regular training.
There was virtually unlimited supplies and no concerns for cost.
There is almost no information left on how those Bokken were made, but given how few old
Bokken have been found, it is plausible that they were either not widely used or if so, not very highly regarded.
For instance, some old schools have documentations showing the use of tree branches for training.
The weapons we know today were “invented” early 20th century, and have followed an evolution process to fit modern needs.
Oh,,I would sooner varnish my gorgeous girlfriend, than one of your exquisite weapons!
Was not Sekigahara fought in the rain? Do not Warriors always train in conditions they might face? Bokkens have been used for centuries in combat, so I am confused by the “Theory”.I do know that while I question your historicity, I do not question your mission, and your undoubted sacrifices therein.
Hi John,
Well, in theory, wooden weapons are not really designed to be used outside.
In that case, I would recommend adding a thick layer of varnish to stabilize the wood. That will allow you to clean it fairly easily too.
I live in the Mojave Desert, here in Southern California. I often do ken/jo suburi in my backyard.Sometimes it is raining, sometimes even snowing. How do I do proper maintenance on my weapons afterwards? You purvey excellent weapons, I want to care for them, but I don’t want to miss time training.
The state of this situation is truly sad.
I find the Japanese government’s zero support for this wonderful craftsmen really incredible. Isn’t it understood that this profession represents an intangible cultural heritage, not only for Japan, but for the whole world? Or is it just an exclusive western perception? Really sad.
On the other hand, what Mr. Delage wrote is an important key: Taking care of and maintaining our weapons it’s the best we can do. We need to avoid losing them through negligence at all costs.
By chance, I took his advice beforehand: Not long ago one of my old Hokushin Itto Ryu bokuto broke, and through a local carpenter, I managed to obtain an excellent and balanced wakizashi out from this broken piece.
The time has certainly come to be creative and spare no effort.
Best regards and wishes for all the Team in these tough times.
Wow, this makes me regret all those cracked weapons. It is ironic to me, it will be soon easier to get a steel sword than a wooden one!