最新の記事 & セール

  • 国産木刀製造業の危機 | 木刀や杖などの国産木製武器製造について、ブログ記事を掲載しました。現在、宮崎県都城の国産木製武器製造については、職人減、良質な木材資源の減少、国内外からの受注過多などにより、以前に比べ、安定した木製武器の製造が大変厳しいものになっています。その現状について、詳しくご紹介しています。

Aikido Quiz aa

The state of emergency has been lifted in Japan, but the international logistic hasn't improved yet. Japan Post has decided to suspend all shipments to more than 150 countries. FedEx shipments are suspended for all destiantions. DHL has implemented a significant price surcharge and suspended shipment and UPS raised fees for small packages. Please refer to the table below to see if your order can ship and with which carrier/shipping method.

  • Free shipping options can still be selected at checkout, however, if descrived as "SUSPENDED", your order will be prepared and packed, then put on hold until shipments reopen (probalby July at the earliest) without further notice.
  • Emergency surcharges are additionnal fees that we may request after your order has been placed in specific cases (small orders, oversized packages, etc.). You will still have the choice to wait for things to be back to normal if you do not want to pay the surcharge. If you are not sure, please contact us with your order details and delivery address and we'll confirm the fees asap.
  • Orders put on hold as a result of your choice of a suspended shipping method as defined in the table above will be subject to a 2,000 YEN cancellation fees, should you want to cancel the order later on. (Except for custom made orders that are non cancellable, whatever the reason)
  • If your country is not in the list, please contact us prior to placing your order! Failure to do so might result in your order put on hold without further notice.
Shipping Cost & Method →

↓ Country ↓
Emergency Surcharge

Special fee in addition to the shipping upgrade fees charged at checkout.
Small Packages
For packages under 2 kg and 60 cm in length.
Express Shipping
For packages above 2 kg and/or 60 cm.
Canada, Mexico, South Korea Products over 190 cm > 3,000 YEN
All other products: No surchage
Now reopened!
+ 1 week delay (lead time of 2 to 4 weeks)
All packages ship as usual.
Delivery expected within a week.
France, United Kingdom, Germany Products over 118 cm > 1,000 YEN
Products over 190 cm > 3,000 YEN
All other products: No surchage
Now reopened!
+ 1 week delay (lead time of 2 to 4 weeks)
United States All products: No surchage Suspended until at least next July.
If selected at checkout, orders will be stored without prior notice.
A 1,500 YEN express shipping upgrade is available at checkout.
Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Guadeloupe Products over 118 cm > 1,000 YEN
Products over 190 cm > 3,000 YEN
All other products: No surchage
Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Austria, Poland, Israel Products over 118 cm > 2,000 YEN
Products over 190 cm > 5,000 YEN
Orders under 15,000 YEN > 1,000 YEN
Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Singapore, Belgium, Portugal, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Greece, Romania, Malaysia, Bulgaria Products over 118 cm > 2,000 YEN
Products over 190 cm > 5,000 YEN
All other products > No surcharge
Packages above 118 cm cannot ship
(Jo, Bo, Naginata...)
Russia, Reunion, French Guiana, Africa, South America, Russia All shipments suspended.
If you place an order, it will be stored at least until July.



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