Niten Ichi Ryu Bokken & Shoto [Daisho Set]
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その他、文字彫りについて | 「刺繍 & 文字彫り」をご参照下さい。 |

ナイロン製 木刀&竹刀用 武器袋
素材: ナイロン製
色: 黒・紺
開口部がワンタッチ金具式で出し入れがしやすく、ショルダーストラップつきで持ち運びにも便利です。 また、鍔や小物を入れられる外ポケットつきです。 底部分は重さや衝撃に耐えられる合皮補強が施されています。
サイズ | 木刀&34号竹刀 | 37号竹刀 | 39号竹刀 |
武器最大全長 | 103 cm | 113 cm | 119 cm |
袋の長さ | 105 cm | 115 cm | 120 cm |
重量 | 260 g | 300 g | 340 g |
武器袋用の合皮製ネーム刺繍プレートです。 サイズは、約縦6 cm x 横4 cmとなります。
刺繍は6文字まで可能ですが、文字数が増えるほど、文字の大きさが小さくなります(1.5-3 cm角)。
純日本製 (伊豆諸島・利島産)
サイズ:M: 70 mL / L: 118 mL / 1 L / 1.8 L
ニス無し(油磨き)仕上げの武器の場合:出荷前に当ショップにて一度椿油で磨いています。ニス無し木刀を最適な状態で長くお使い頂くために、実際に使用し始めてから1~2ヶ月後に椿油で磨いて下さい。 その後は定期的に1~2ヶ月に1回、同様に椿油で磨いて下さい。
Niten Ichi Ryu Daisho Set - Bokken & Shoto
Made in Japan (Kyushu)
Available in white oakBoth Niten Ichi Bokken and Shoto are made from wood coming from the southern islands of Kyushu (Japan), and are available in white oak.
Those weapons are meant for students of the Kenjutsu school "Niten Ichi Ryu", a school founded by Miyamoto Musashi.
Niten Ichi Ryu weapons are specifically thin and lightweight and are meant for practice with two swords.
They also suit other styles' practitioners who are looking for a Bokken to work on precision and speed.This set is offered with a 1,000 YEN discount in comparison to separate purchases.
We also sell the Niten Ichi Ryu Bokken and the Niten Ichi Ryu Shoto separately.
We also offer the legendary Bokken "Musashi" meant for Suburi practice.
- Wood species: white oak
- Available finish: Standard Finish or Seido Special Finish
- Manufacturing workshop: Aramaki
Finish options:
In 2021, with concerns for the workers, all workshops greatly reduced the number of urethane varnished weapons and replaced the finish with a "Candle Wax". Seido is now transitioning to a new finish offer for the majority of its weapons.
Standard Finish: At Seido, we complete the workshop finish with Camelia oil treatment by default. This is the standard Seido finish.
We do not apply any additional polishing for this finish, so some weapons might have a slightly rough surface.
For maintenance, we recommend that you oil your weapons about once a month with a vegetal-based oil.Seido Special Finish: For this special Finish, we first apply a Camelia oil polish (oiling and sanding the weapons with oiled sandpaper), then we finish the weapon with high-quality beeswax. This finish makes the wood as smooth as it can be and guarantee excellent protection for several months.
For maintenance, we recommend at least oiling your weapons every month or so. You can also apply wax a few hours after oiling your weapons (if some oil remains on the wood, remove it with a piece of cloth or tissue).Niten Ichi Ryu Daisho Set - Specifications Dimensions Bokken Shoto Full length: 101.5 cm 64 cm Blade length: 76 cm 49 cm Tsuka length: 24.5 cm 15 cm Tsuka diameter: 33 x 20 mm 30 x 19 mm Tsukagashira: Taira (flat butt) Kissaki: Kendogata (Old Kendo shape Kissaki) Mine: Gyo no mine (slightly rounded) Weight 360 ~ 400 g 200 ~ 220 g * Wood is a living material, color and weight vary from one weapon to another.
About Niten Ichi Ryu :
This Kenjutsu school, whose complete name is Hyoto Niten Ichi Ryu, is renowned thanks to its founder Miyamoto Musashi, the most popular samurai of Japan. Loosely translated into "school of the strategy of two heavens as one", its specificity is a broad catalog of techniques with two swords, Bokken and Shoto (or Katana and Wakizashi). Both Bokken and Shoto of this school were created by Musashi himself and have therefore been used in this form for over 400 years. Techniques with a Bo, a long stick, are also taught in this school. Moreover, several branches of this school - each one having a more or less direct connection with the school of origin - exist, as well as Niten Ichi Ryu inspired styles such as the two swords’ practices in Saotome Sensei’s Aikido.