Our partnership with Aikido Journal
To always better serve the community

Yes, we’ve jumped in, we’re now working with Aikido Journal. It’s really great news for us, for Aikido Journal, and for the whole Aikido community. We’re going to do lots of things together, but it also involves money, so, as usual: full transparency from us!
Scope of this partnership
As usual with all our partnerships, Seido is not interested in advertising only. Our goal is to provide high quality equipment and high quality content for the community. That’s a goal we believe we will better achieve through this partnership.
As of today, we plan to:
- Regularly publish articles on Aikido Journal that will be mainly covering Budo events held in Japan, such as the article we already published about the 56th All Japan Aikido Demonstration.
- Cross post trailers of interviews on Facebook so that the Aikido Journal's audience is up to date regarding the high quality content we're publishing.
- Regularly present our “best article of the month” through our newsletter, a selection that we will do from our own perspective and sensibility (we hope you’ll appreciate the pick!)
- We are also discussing cross promotions such as offering a discounts to our customers on Aikido Journal TV subscription, and offering discounts or other specific advantages to Aikido Journal TV subscribers when ordering from us.
That’s what's on the list right now, but it may evolve fast, anything that can benefit the community will be considered!
Inside the All Japan Aikido - First Cross Post with Aikido Journal
Financial support
After Stanley Pranin passed away, Aikido Journal stayed orphan for a while. Then it was taken over by Josh Gold, a wonderful Aikido passionate, who understands how to do things right in the internet world.

Stanley Pranin, Founder of Aikido Journal - 1945-2017
Josh has been doing an amazing job. As Aikidoists, we are extremely grateful for what he does for the community and for us.
But as you can imagine, such a project has a cost. Despite all the time spent by all the volunteers, all the following tasks - website hosting, video hosting, video editing, video restauration, etc. - have a cost, a cost that can increase quite rapidly. Not everything can be done by volunteers, and someone has to bear the cost.
Aikido Journal has a Patreon for crowdfunding, and Aikido Journal TV is a subscription channel, but that’s far from being enough. Having quite an idea of all the work that has to be done and all the costs involved, we also wanted to help financially, so we offered Aikido Journal a monthly subscription that represents dozens of regular subscribers.
Nonetheless, our contribution is still not enough, so feel free to support Aikido Journal on your own as well!
Aikido Journal is not a Marketing Platform
Aikido Journal is not and has never been a Marketing platform. Many have claimed Stanley’s name for pure financial gains, and this is something that we do not support.
You will never see Seido commercials on Aikido Journal. You will find links to our website of course, and we may mention our products to make a point in our articles, but no commercials. Josh is very serious about what Aikido Journal publishes, and you can rest assured that disguised commercials, such as meaningless blog articles, will never be published on Aikido Journal. To be perfectly honest, and maybe because it is less common in Europe than it is in the US or in Japan, we are not very comfortable with the idea of funding an independent media with commercial money. But it’s Aikido, there is no competition, no sponsoring, no super rich mecene paying for everything… Someone has to bear the cost of high quality content production.
We can help funding Aikido Journal because of you, because of the fact that you are ordering from us, so we are giving back with what we publish, but also by investing in such projects, and we hope that the form we have set for this partnership will set you minds at rest regarding our intentions and the quality and independance of Aikido Journal’s publications.

Josh Gold, Aikido Journal's Executive Editor
We have been Aikido Journal's fans and subscribers for many many years and there was a time when Stanley Pranin’s Aikido Journal was our first reference for Aikido research. So there are no words to express how happy we are to have come to a point where we are able to contribute to this awesome work, initiated half a century ago by the greatest Aikido researcher of his time, Stanley Pranin.
We are very much looking forward to work in close partnership with Josh Gold, a dedicated and proactive professional that will, beyond any doubt, be one of the major contributors to the evolution of 21st century’s Aikido.
As I said, transparency is important to us. Because your opinion is important, please feel free to give us your feedback; we’ll be there to answer all your interrogations as well as any proposal you may have. I also want to invite you to consult Aikido Journal's announcement to their community on AikidoJournal.com.
We wish you the best, and we are looking forward to meeting you someday on the mats!
Jordy Delage
Founder of Seido Co., Ltd. and video production director.
2 コメント - Our partnership with Aikido Journal
Wow!!! I’m very excited about this collaboration, seems that the Aikido and Budo people are finally coming together for the benefit of the art and the students.
In reply to Francisco de los Cobos.
Thank you very much!
We’ll do our best.