Budo, Kobudo & Japanese Artisanry - The Seido Blog
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Kimura Jiro Shihan is a Japanese Aikido teacher, the successor of Kobayashi Hirokazu Shihan in Japan, and director of the Buikukai. In 2018, Guillaume Erard, a Daito Ryu practitioner and Aikido historian, and Jordy Delage - who started Aikido in a group affiliated to Kobayashi Hirokazu - teamed up for a joint interview held at the master’s Dojo in Osaka. This is the story of this encounter!
Hoshi Norio is one of those Budoka that you never hear about outside Japan. Reserved, simple, hard-working, away from the internationalisation of martial arts. He is nonetheless an extraordinary Kendoka and police officer. He started Kendo at age 10 aiming from the very beginning to become a professional Kendo teacher.
Following an exciting experience with Yoshinkan aikido practitioners at a Tokyo Police dojo, we were invited to attend the Kanto (Tokyo Region) Police Department’s Yoshinkan Aikido Demonstration / Competition on Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at “Jutsuka”, the training center for the Japanese anti-terrorist units, located in Shin-Kiba (Tokyo).
February 16th 2019, Tokyo, Tsukishima Station 1pm. Nicolas Nothum, responsible for Seido's BudoStudies program and Jordy Delage Seido's founder have a meeting with Yamamoto Takahiro Shihan of the Kenjutsu school Hyoho Taisha Ryu for a 3h Keiko (practice) and interview. Here is the story of yet another encounter with a Kobudo master and fantastic human being.
The 24th of March 2019, a group of non-Japanese Budo and Kobudo researchers and practitioners working and practicing in Japan organizes a unique series of lectures on Don Draeger's impact on the martial arts community and beyond. Lectures by four people who knew and succeeded him. As practitioners and working actively for the international promotion of Budo and Kobudo, and because we believe it is of the utmost importance to support events organized by the new generation that succeed to Donn Draeger, Seido and Guillaume Erard offered their assistance to capture and publish videos of the event.
If Budo are ways to self-accomplishment, a company run by Budoka should embrace the same values we strive for in the Dojo. In the continuity of our work with traditional craftsmen and our support to various Budo events throughout the globe, our BudoStudies program was founded in 2016. With this program, we aim at promoting Budo and Budo studies both in and out of Japan by producing Budo-related videos containing interviews and documentaries, as well as providing wide event coverage.
この度、定期的に更新してきた星道ブログと武道研究会 のサイトを今まで以上に見やすく、さらに充実した内容へとバージョンアップを図るため、星道オンラインサイト内に移動し、新しくリニューアルします!!
従来のサイトと比較して、デザインの変更のほか、多くのコンテンツを加えました。また、ユーザーの皆様がより快適にご利用いただくことができるよう、ページの表示速度の高速化、レスポンシブデザインなど、優れたブラウジング・エクスペリエンスをお届けします。 今後も今まで以上により多くのコンテンツを定期的に配信していく予定です。是非、新しい星道ブログ、武道研究会のページをご覧ください。一人でも多くの皆様にご覧いただけることを願っています。 -
August 2017, enjoying the quiet summer months, we traveled across Japan to Miyakonojo and the Kirishima Sankei region to visit 3 of Japan's last Bokken workshops. We've conducted 3 interviews and here's the transcript of the second one with Master Matsuzaki Yoshiaki, including some additional comments and information.